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“Ei these two”: Ras Nene And Efia Odo Love Video Pops Up Whiles Enjoying Themselves On The Street



Popular Ghanaian comedian Ras Nene and actress Efia Odo found themselves at the centre of attention as they engaged in a playful exchange of gum, coming remarkably close to kissing.

The light-hearted gesture has sparked both amusement and reactions from fans and netizens.

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The video captured a jovial moment between the two entertainers as they stood by the roadside and engaged in a conversation.

As they interacted, Ras Nene pulled a piece of gum from Efia Odo’s mouth, much to the delight of social media users who saw the video.

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As they playfully exchanged the gum, their lips came tantalizingly close, causing some fans to wonder if a kiss was in the works.

The incident has since gone viral on social media, drawing varied reactions from fans and followers, with many finding the interaction amusing. Ras Nene and Efia Odo have been seen together frequently lately, collaborating on various comedic projects. Their chemistry and on-screen friendship has attracted admiration from fans.


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